Sunday, 11 May 2014

Homework Week 4

Hello Parents and Students,

Just a reminder that there will be no homework this week due to NAPLAN and the excursion on Friday. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind Regards,

Miss La Sala

Monday, 5 May 2014

5 Green hosting assembly

Just a reminder that 5 Green will be hosting assembly this Wednesday 7th May. It would be great to see you all there.

Miss La Sala

Mothers Day Liturgy

 Good Morning Parents,

Just a reminder that on Friday 9th May St Bernardines will be holding a Mothers day liturgy in the church at 7:15. A small Breakfast will be provided after the liturgy. Hope to see you all there.

Miss La Sala

Sunday, 4 May 2014

Hello Parents.

Below is a copy of the permission form for our trip to St Helena Island on the 16th of May.

Can these permission slips be returned ASAP by the 9th of May.

Many thanks,

Miss La Sala